P-06-1243 Reinstate cervical screening to every 3 years


This petition was submitted by Joanne Stroud, having collected a total of 30,133 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

The announcement from Public Health Wales on January 4th 2022 stating the change from 3 to 5 year intervals for cervical screening is unacceptable. There has been no public consultation and upon release has been met with anger, sadness and serious concern for the cervical health of Welsh women.

We appreciate the NHS in Wales is under pressure but this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. We the Welsh nation will not stand for this and urge you to reverse this decision immediately.


Additional Information:

This move will not save money, it will lead to later detection of cancers and therefore more aggressive, lengthy and costly treatment and ultimately lives.

HPV is not the only cause of cervical cancer!


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Aberavon

·         South Wales West